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Showing posts with the label extended Latin

Download Senkron Font Family From Murat Çil

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 3 Download Now Server 2 Senkron is designed as a pure and modern neo grotesk font. The anatomy of the letters are designed to achieve an equal text color. For this purpose, the legs of the letters “R” and "K" are designed with a vertical angle to prevent the white space that would occur in the middle of these letters, etc. In miniscule letters, the characteristic features of letters such as ‘a’, ‘l’, ‘t’ are concretized and legibility was supported in the text. Considerable attention has been paid to the harmony between the anatomical structures of the letters and the diacritical mark’s structure. Senkron Blok is arranged for situations which are diacritical marks overflow to leadings of the headline and headline typographical color is affected negatively from this situation. For this purpose, majiscule diacriti...

Download Lucida Grande Mono Font Family From Monotype

Get Download Lucida Grande Mono Font Family From Monotype Lucida Grande Mono is a humanist, sans-serif, monospaced font with a large x-height, clear letterforms, and space-saving economy. Its easy reading qualities make it legible for printing and screen displays even down to small sizes. Lucida Grande Mono matches the weight, vertical proportions and look of Lucida Grande but with fixed-width functionality that has made its design popular in a wide range of practical applications, including programming, terminal emulation, and typewriter styling for business or personal correspondence on-line or print. Lucida Grande Mono is part of the Lucida superfamily of fonts from Bigelow & Holmes. Lucida is highly regarded for legibility and its extensive range of type styles. The Lucida Grande Mono has four fonts: Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic. Each font has 685 glyphs and supports the W1G character set. This includes Latin, Greek and C...